Our Partners

MenCare is coordinated by Equimundo and Sonke Gender Justice in collaboration with steering committee members Save the Children Sweden, Oxfam GB, Plan International Sweden, and the MenEngage Alliance. MenCare has local and national campaigns active in over 60 countries, implemented by MenCare’s partners. For more information about our partners and their work, see the list below.

CanadaChile | Costa Rica | Guatemala | JamaicaMexico | Nicaragua | ParaguayPeru | Puerto Rico | United StatesUruguay

Asia Pacific
Australia | Bangladesh | China | India | Indonesia | MalaysiaNepalPakistan | Sri Lanka | Vietnam

Europe and Central Asia
Albania | BalkansBelarus | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bulgaria| Croatia | Czech Republic | Georgia | Germany | Ireland | ItalyKosovo | KyrgyzstanLatvia | Moldova | NetherlandsPoland | Portugal | Russia | Serbia | SpainSweden | Switzerland | Turkey | Ukraine | United Kingdom

Middle East and North Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa
Benin | Botswana | Cabo Verde | Cameroon | Eswatini | Ethiopia | Ghana | Kenya | Liberia | Madagascar | Namibia | NigeriaRwanda | Senegal | SomaliaSouth Africa | Tanzania | TogoUganda | Zambia | Zimbabwe


Europe and Central Asia
Counseling Line for Men and Boys
The Counseling Line for Men and Boys was established in 2012 and started to operate in January 2013. During its first three years, it was operated as a sub-activity of the Counseling Line for Abused Women and Girls, and step by step it started to be operational independently. Continuous efforts have been invested in building up a professional service for counseling of perpetrators of violence, as well as capacity building for teachers and youth workers, activities related to fatherhood, and awareness-building with young boys in schools.

Works With: Care International, Austrian Development Cooperation

Gruaja tek Gruaja – Woman to Woman (WtW)
WtW is a nonprofit, nongovernmental association. Our mission is to reduce domestic and gender-based violence towards women and girls and to promote a society free of violence, where human rights are respected and enhanced. Under this framework, WtW operates with a wide range of activities and services, providing support services and sheltering to victims of domestic violence and their children; working with perpetrators of family violence to prevent future violence; and carrying out community outreach and sensitization, prevention programs for peer violence in schools, and education programs for youth. WtW started to work with men and boys as allies against domestic violence in 2009, through community outreach, educational activities, and awareness-raising campaigns and capacity building in high schools. It also established the Center for Boys and Men (ZDB), which offers counseling services for perpetrators of violence. WtW and ZDB are developing programs for engaging men and boys in ending gender-based violence, as well as promoting the role of men and fathers in family tasks.

Works With: Counseling Line for Men and Boys


Asia Pacific

White Ribbon Australia


White Ribbon Australia is a non-profit organization dedicated to ending men’s violence against women. It works to raise awareness of the issue, promote gender equality, and prevent violence through education and advocacy programs. The organization engages with men and boys as allies in this work, recognizing that men have a critical role to play in ending violence against women. White Ribbon Australia collaborates with individuals, organizations, and communities across the country to create a culture of respect and safety for all, and to support survivors of violence.

Works With: Innocean, Promotional Centre, NTV, The Barber Academy


Europe and Central Asia
CARE International Balkans
CARE International Balkans’ Engaging Men and Boys Initiative is part of its Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment program in the region. Since 2006, CARE International Balkans has worked and engaged with boys and young men around gender transformation and the promotion of healthy masculinities. As a outgrowth of that program, CARE saw a need to work with young fathers-to-be and those who recently became parents. Since 2012, it has been doing research to better understand the role of fathers in the regional Balkans context that helped lay the groundwork for the program it has developed.

Works With: Counseling Line for Men and Boys (Albania), Perpetuum Mobile (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Status M (Croatia), Peer Educators Network (Kosovo), Center E8 (Serbia)


Asia Pacific
Center for Men and Masculinities Studies (CMMS)
The Center for Men and Masculinities Studies is a specialized think-tank and research-based NGO on engaging men and boys for women’s empowerment in Bangladesh.

Works With: National Human Rights Commission; UNDP

World Vision Bangladesh
Email | Website

World Vision Bangladesh is a Christian relief, development, and advocacy organization that works to improve the lives of children, families, and communities living in poverty and injustice. World Vision Bangladesh has integrated the MenCare approach as an intersectional theme across programming in health, nutrition and livelihoods in more than 30 Area Programmes and active 3 grants projects.


Europe and Central Asia
Public Society Klub Lvov
Email | lions.by
RCPS “Klub Lvov” is a society providing ideas of gender equality pertaining to men and fathers in the family environment.

Works With: Ministry of Social Protection; Minsk’s Family Center


Sub-Saharan Africa

Batonga Foundation

Email | www.batongafoundation.org

The Batonga Foundation is a non-profit organization which works to equip adolescent girls and young women in Benin & Senegal with knowledge and skills they need to be agents of change in their communities and in their own lives with engaging Men and Boys as allies and support.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Europe and Central Asia
Perpetuum Mobile


Sub-Saharan Africa
Stepping Stones International
Email | www.steppingstonesintl.org
Stepping Stones International is an innovative after-school and community outreach program serving orphaned and vulnerable adolescents (ages 12-18+) and their caregivers. The program is unique, as the only initiative in Botswana that focuses exclusively on the underserved needs of teenagers.

Works With: Sonke Gender Justice Network; Men and Boys for Gender Equality


Europe and Central Asia

Association Roditeli (“Parents”)
Email | www.mencare.bg and www.roditeli.org
Association Roditeli encourages parents to be the best parents they can be and supports children to become the best adults they can be, through the development, implementation, and dissemination of regional and national policies and the protection of children’s rights as stipulated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Association Roditeli coordinates “To Be A Dad,” the MenCare campaign in Bulgaria. The mission of MenCare Bulgaria is to reveal greater opportunities to men to engage positively in children’s lives, avoiding abuse and protecting children from violence. To achieve this goal, the campaign works to: (1) promote positive models of parenting in Bulgarian society; (2) facilitate active fatherhood through men’s involvement in kindergartens and primary schools, and suggest educational tools for men’s engagement with teachers, social workers, and local authorities; and (3) develop a sustainable network of local and national organizations and institutions working for greater engagement of men in children’s lives.

Works With: Animus Association; ARC Foundation; Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation; Center of Women’s Studies and Policies; For Our Children Foundation; Gender Education, Research and Technologies Foundation; National Network for Children; Social Activities and Practice Institute; Tulip Foundation

Animus Association Foundation
Email | animusassociation.org/en/
Animus Association Foundation (AAF) works in support of survivors of violence. It was founded in 1994 as a women’s non-governmental organization with the aim of providing a space where women and children survivors of violence can receive professional help. Their mission is to promote gender equality in Bulgarian society by advocating for change in social attitudes, promoting equitable caregiving, making mental health services accessible, and coordinating activities to prevent violence against women and children. AAF joined the MenCare Bulgaria campaign in 2013.

Applied Research and Communications Foundation
Email | www.arcfund.net/index.php?id=377
Established in 1991, the Applied Research and Communications Fund (ARC Fund) is the premier Bulgarian innovation policy and research institute. It is involved in a number of research projects in the field of online safety and has developed a methodology for prevention of cyber-bullying used in over 100 schools in towns and cities across the country. ARC Fund initiated the “active fatherhood” project in 2012, in partnership with MenCare which successfully set the stage for the following MenCare campaign.

Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation
Email | bgrf.org/?lang=11
The Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation (BGRF), established in 1998, is an independent, non-profit organization with the goal of contributing to the achievement of gender equality. BGRF works in the field of domestic violence prevention, reproductive rights and anti-discrimination. BGRF joined the MenCare Bulgaria campaign in 2013.

Gender Education, Research and Technologies Foundation
Email | www.gert.ngo-bg.org/en
Since 2004, the Gender Education, Research and Technologies Foundation (GERT) has been working to counter gender discrimination and contribute to gender equality. GERT is a partner in the Bulgarian fatherhood campaign, “Being a Dad,” and has implemented the “school without violence and gender-based stereotypes” project. GERT has been a part of the MenCare Bulgaria Steering Committee since the beginning of the campaign in 2013.

National Network for Children
Email | nmd.bg/en/
The National Network for Children (NNC) is an alliance of civil society organizations and supporters, working with and for the children and families across the country. NNC plans and implements advocacy campaigns in order to guarantee the rights of children and improve the wellbeing of Bulgarian families and children. They have been partners in the MenCare Bulgaria campaign since 2013.

Social Activities and Practices Institute
Email | https://sapibg.org/en
Social Activities and Practices Institute (SAPI) is a Bulgarian NGO established in 2001 to enhance inclusion of vulnerable groups, particularly with children and childcare. SAPI combines the piloting of innovative social practices with research, advocacy, and social services for families and children at risk in four cities in Bulgaria.  SAPI emphasizes active fatherhood and provides opportunity for male caregivers to engage positively in children’s lives as a key factor in preventing violence against children, including sexual violence.

Tulip Foundation 
Email | www.tulipfoundation.net
Tulip Foundation works to advance social integration and participation in the society, and to develop wellbeing and opportunities for all people. The foundation runs a variety of programs aiming to support and empower people. Its activities are based on a network of partners in Bulgaria and a learning collaboration with partners in Europe and around the globe.

Works With: Animus Association; ARC Foundation; Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation; Center of Women’s Studies and Policies; Gender Education, Research and Technologies Foundation; National Network for Children; Social Activities and Practice Institute, Parents Association and others.

Cabo Verde

Sub-Saharan Africa

National Commission for Human Rights and Citizenship
Email | www.cndhc.org
The National Commission for Human Rights and Citizenship was established in 2004 with the aim of strengthening national mechanisms for the promotion and protection of human rights, citizenship, and international humanitarian law in Cabo Verde.

Works With: Cooperação Francesa; Presidência da República, Ministério da Saúde (Centro Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sanitário – CNDS); Instituto Cabo-verdiano da Criança e do Adolescente (ICCA); Casa do Direito; Laço Branco; Instituto Cabo-verdiano para a Igualdade e Equidade do Género (ICIEG); Plataforma das ONG’s; Associação Cabo-verdiana para a Protecção da Família (Verdefam); Associação Cabo-verdiana de Autopromoção da Mulher (Morabi), Associação de Crianças Desfavorecidas (ACRIDES); Fundação Infância Feliz (FIF); Aldeias Infantis SOS; Hospital Dr. Agostinho Neto; Centro Cultural Brasil; Cabo Verde, Associação das Famílias e Amigos das Crianças com Paralisia Cerebral (ACARINHAR); Sapo CV


Sub-Saharan Africa

SUSTAIN Cameroon
Email | sustaincmr.wordpress.com/
SUSTAIN Cameroon works to end exploitation, discrimination, harmful practices and cultures that perpetrate violence against women and children including child early and forced marriages, sexual exploitation and abuse of children, sex/labor trafficking, modern slavery and gender based violence. SUSTAIN uses a holistic approach to address the surrounding circumstances that may advertently or inadvertently put children from vulnerable and poor backgrounds including their communities at risk to exploitation and abuse. Our strategy is anchored to community-driven, child centered approaches with a conscious focus on addressing the practical needs of families and communities where these children are often extracted and whose conditions of attaining their full potential seem to be hard to come by. SUSTAIN works extensively with local decision makers, religious leaders, parents, men and boys to create enabling protective environments for women and girls.



White Ribbon
Email | www.whiteribbon.ca
White Ribbon is the world’s largest movement of men and boys working to end violence against women and girls and to promote gender equity, healthy relationships, and a new vision of masculinity. Since its inception in Toronto, Canada, in 1991, White Ribbon campaigns have been organized in over 60 countries around the world. White Ribbon asks men to wear white ribbons as a sign of their pledge to never commit, condone, or remain silent about violence against women and girls. White Ribbon’s programs and campaigns are social, local, and mobile and have engaged millions of educators, coaches, parents, brands, and individuals so that they are better equipped to promote healthy and positive masculinity, empathy, and consent. Through research, reports, and work with community, government, and corporate partners, the campaign inspires changes in policy, practice, and culture to address the root causes of gender-based violence.

World Vision Canada

Email | www.worldvision.ca/

World Vision Canada is a global relief, development, and advocacy organization. Our focus is helping the world’s most vulnerable girls and boys overcome poverty and experience fulness of life. World Vision, in partnership with our Country Offices, has been implementing MenCare (Program P) and adapting the MenCare approach in diverse country contexts globally to promote men’s involvement as equitable, engaged, non-violent fathers and partners for the achievement of gender equality and the advancement of women’s rights. Currently, World Vision has ongoing programs funded by Global Affairs Canada that are implementing Program P in East Africa and Asia. World Vision is planning to undertake capacity building on Program H and other methodologies, with support from Equimundo and Sonke Gender Justice, with the aim of rolling these out in our major grant projects/programs and integrating these in future programming opportunities.



Fundación CulturaSalud/EME
Email | www.eme.cl
EME is the section of Fundación CulturaSalud (a Chilean NGO) dedicated to research and initiatives related to men and gender equality. The organization is part of the Advisory Committee of MenCare Latin America and coordinates the regional MenCare website, www.campanapaternidad.org.

Works With: MenEngage Chile; White Ribbon Campaign Chile; Chilean Ministry of Health; Hogar de Cristo (Jardines Infantiles); UNFPA Chile; UNICEF Chile; Servicio Nacional de Menores (SENAME)


Asia Pacific

Buddy Daddy

Email | www.fathers.org.cn

Buddy Daddy is a public welfare project incubated by Luoyang Sunshine Social Work Service Center in 2016. It is dedicated to supporting men to become better fathers and caregivers, and to put fatherhood within reach. It has built 46 project sites in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Macau and Minnesota, USA, and has won more than 50 honors such as member of UN Women’s WEPs network and TOP20 of China Charity Project Competition, serving more than 80,000 families in total.

Costa Rica


Masculinity, Family and Sexuality (WEM) Institute
Email | www.institutowemcr.org
The Costa Rican Masculinity, Family and Sexuality (WEM) Institute is a nonprofit association that was founded as a volunteer group to work on issues of gender, masculinity, and sexuality.


Europe and Central Asia
Status M
Email | www.status-m.hr
Status M is a youth organization whose mission is to create a nonviolent, healthy, tolerant, and gender-equitable society through and because of young people’s contribution in society. Status M was established by team of people who have worked together since 2006 on non-formal education of young people, and who among themselves have more than 30 years of experience in working with young people.

Czech Republic

Europe and Central Asia

League of Open Men (LOM)
Email | www.ilom.cz
League of Open Men (LOM) works to promote men’s active participation in personal development and health, responsible partnership and parenthood, professional self-realization, and social engagement in the field of equal opportunities for women and men. LOM offers men advice, courses, and outdoor events, and supports their quality of life through expert, media, and political activities. LOM draws on direct work with men, its own expert activities, research, and examples of good practice in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Works With: Fatherhood Institute (UK), Alternative til Vold (NOR), Reform (NOR), Vaeterzentrum (DE), European Network for the Work with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence, The Ministry of Social Affairs of the Czech Republic, City of Prague, Government Council for Gender Equality

Eswatini (formerly Swaziland)

Sub-Saharan Africa

Kwakha Indvodza
Email | www.kwakhaindvodza.com
Established in 2012, Kwakha Indvodza (meaning “Building a Man” in siSwati) is a nonprofit organization that specializes in community-led, high-impact health and behavioral change interventions with men and boys. KI is Eswatini’s sole male mentoring organization, providing a unique interactive space to nurture resilient, healthy, gender-equal males. With a team of close to 50 skilled and motivated staff and volunteer mentors, KI is swiftly becoming a prominent mouthpiece on a wide range of gender equality, youth, and male health issues.

Works With: US Embassy in Eswatini

Umsimisi Community Project
Email | Facebook
Umsimisi Community Project is a registered local nonprofit organization whose mission is to create sustainable solutions to poverty, climate change, hunger, childhood development and care, social injustice, and environmental degradation through investing in people and their capabilities; building long-term trusted partnerships with other organizations sharing the same vision; and transferring knowledge and skills to communities using a gender-centered approach for sustainable solutions.


Sub-Saharan Africa

Amhara Women Entrepreneurs Association (AWEA)
Email | www.aweamhara.org
Amhara Women Entrepreneurs Association (AWEA) observed that male partners often served as barriers to women’s economic empowerment by reinforcing traditional gender roles within the home. For this reason, AWEA engages fathers in group education to transform power dynamics within the home (both in domestic work and caregiving).

Hiwot Ethiopia
Hiwot Ethiopia was established in 1995 by 14 young people concerned about the devastating effects of HIV/AIDS, who wished to make a positive contribution to combating the spread of the disease, particularly among young people. From these small beginnings, it grew and developed into an association, then a registered NGO, and is now re-registered as an Ethiopian resident charity, delivering a range of multi-year projects with a variety of local and international partners. Hiwot Ethiopia works for the positive development of children and youth in Ethiopia, and its program areas include health, education, and the protection and promotion of children’s and girls’ wellbeing and livelihood. Hiwot Ethiopia has become well-known for its pioneering work with boys and men to promote gender equality; to reduce HIV/AIDS transmission, gender-based violence, and child sexual abuse and exploitation; and to enhance men’s gender-equitable participation in reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health.


Europe and Central Asia

Men Care
Email | Website

Men Care is a Georgia-based campaign that aims at advancing gender equality by engaging men and boys and raising awareness about the importance of male involvement, shared caregiving and harmonious and non-violent environment. Since 2014, Men Care has established Father’s Day, published books, organized 100+ trainings and seminars, etc.


Europe and Central Asia

Vaeterzentrum e.V. Berlin (Berlin Fathers’ Center)
The Berlin Fathers’ Center is Germany’s leading – though small – organization (NGO/NPO) to promote and foster caring fatherhood. Founded in 2007, the Berlin Fathers’ Center focuses on (a) bringing fathers together to share fatherhood experiences and promote informal mutual learning (fathers here can be biological fathers, social fathers/father figures, gay/rainbow family fathers); (b) counseling fathers in diverse situations; and (c) training and providing further education for professionals working with children, parents, and families. As experts on fatherhood, members of the organization lecture, train, write, and publish about these themes on the national and international levels.


Sub-Saharan Africa
White Ribbon Ghana (Men’s Development Network)
Email | www.whiteribbongh.org

White Ribbon Ghana works with men in Ghana to end male violence against women in Ghana and promote gender parity and positive fatherhood. A network called the Men’s Development Network is formed in all communities where the campaign is ongoing to promote the aforementioned objectives.

Works With: The Boy Child Campaign, Ghana



ECPAT Guatemala
Email | www.ecpatguatemala.org
ECPAT Guatemala is an NGO that focuses on the elimination of child prostitution, child pornography, and the trafficking of children for sexual purposes.


Asia Pacific

Centre for Health and Social Justice (CHSJ)
Email | www.chsj.org
CHSJ believes that working towards gender equality must include working with men and boys to understand their privileges as well as the compulsions that they face within a patriarchal system.

Hami DajuVai (Nepali Brothers)
Email | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Hami DajuVai (Nepali Brothers) is a newly formed organization from Nepal working toward gender justice with a focus on men and boys. Hami DajuVai is the only officially registered NGO in Nepal that is solely focused on working with men and boys. We not only raise awareness on why men should speak to end violence against women and girls, but we also raise awareness on how patriarchy is harming men and boys. Hami DajuVai currently works on three thematic areas: 1) harm of patriarchy among men and boys 2) violence against Boys and 3) engaging men to end gender-based violence. We are also a member of the MenEngage Alliance-Nepal Chapter.

Shohratgarh Environmental Society (SES)
Email | www.sesindia.org | Facebook | Twitter
SES is an NGO that works with rural communities of Uttar Pradesh in the field of agriculture, food security, livelihood, health, education, disaster mitigation, WASH, and environment. SES’s programs address issues faced by children, women, youth & unprivileged groups. These programs are based on community, gender participation, and ethical ecological values.


Asia Pacific

Rutgers WPF Indonesia
Email | https://rutgers.id/ | Twitter | Instagram
Rutgers Indonesia (Ruang Temu Generasi Sehat, Melting Pot of Healthy Generation) is an association
based in Jakarta – Indonesia and affiliated with Rutgers in Utrecht, Netherlands. It works with
implementation, research and advocacy partners in various provinces in Indonesia to improve sexual
and reproductive health and the acceptance of sexual rights, gender equality and gender-based
violence prevention. Rutgers Indonesia has also implemented Mencare+ (2011 – 2015) and ongoing
Prevention+ (2016 – 2020) programs in 8 districts across Indonesia. Rutgers Indonesia provides grant
management, quality assurance and quality control and technically supports our partner organisations
in implementing these programs. Our gender transformative approach, male involvement, MIYP, the
broader alliance program, and Rutgers’ central supporting role provides a strong foundation for the
implementation of Generation G. Rutgers Indonesia has excellent expertise in implementing research,
undertaking advocacy, campaigning, lobbying and negotiation at the regional, national and sub-national

Works With: Indonesia Women Coalition (Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia, KPI), LBH APIK Jakarta, Rahima, Project Multatuli and SafeNet.


Europe and Central Asia
Men’s Development Network
Email | Website
The Men’s Development Network is a non-profit organization headquartered in Waterford City with the key focus on being leaders in promoting change and equality within society. Under the mission statement “Better Lives for Men; Better Lives for All,” the Men’s Development Network works with men on various levels including one-to-one, developmental, parenting, behaviour change group work, training, phoneline support and awareness raising. Our work is to support men to be their most authentic selves. This work is carried out through our funded projects including Men’s Development Programme, Men’s Health Programme, MEND Domestic Violence Intervention Programme, MAL Men’s Advice Line and Men’s Counselling Service.
Men Engage Alliance, Men Engage Alliance Europe, Equimundo, White Ribbon.


Europe and Central Asia
Centro di Ascolto Uomini Maltrattanti (CAM)
CAM was established as the first center in Italy working with men as perpetrators of violence. The center provides a listening and counseling service for men who commit to undertaking a course of personal change, and who take responsibility for their violent behavior (physical or psychological), or for stalking. CAM aims to safeguard women and minors from violence, while giving men an opportunity to change.

Works With (as part of the Il Giardino dei Padri fatherhood network): Cambiamento Maschile, Cerchio degli Uomini, Maschile Plurale, PartecipArte Teatro Dell’OppressAo, Rete Genitori Rainbow, White Dove – Evoluzione del Maschile Onlus

Cerchio degli Uomini
Cerchio degli Uomini provides educational and reflective groups for men and fathers with the aim of changing gender norms and preventing gender-based violence. Listening and sharing groups of five to 15 people meet weekly to share experiences. The association also holds meetings, workshops, debates, plays and film screenings, and school-based activities related to fatherhood, gender, and violence prevention.

Works With (as part of the Il Giardino dei Padri fatherhood network): Centro di Ascolto Uomini Maltrattanti, Cambiamento Maschile, Maschile Plurale, PartecipArte Teatro Dell’OppressAo, Rete Genitori Rainbow, White Dove – Evoluzione del Maschile Onlus

Maschile Plurale
Maschile Plurale promotes debate on the transformation of male identities, and on new ways in which men live their personal relationships, their experience as fathers, and their lives at work and as activists. The association is actively involved in initiatives to put an end to gender-based violence, in collaboration with center for victims of violence as well as centers working with men as perpetrators of violence. The organization also conducts awareness-building activities in schools and communication campaigns aiming to deconstruct and overcome gender stereotypes.

Works With (as part of the Il Giardino dei Padri fatherhood network): Centro di Ascolto Uomini Maltrattanti, Cambiamento Maschile, Cerchio degli Uomini, PartecipArte Teatro Dell’OppressAo, Rete Genitori Rainbow, White Dove – Evoluzione del Maschile Onlus

PartecipArte Teatro Dell’OppressAo
Email | parteciparte.com
PartecipArte uses theater to give opportunity to people to rehearse the changes they want to happen in their social lives. The organization strives for relationships based on consent, where everyone can live free of traditional scripts and oppressive roles.

Works With (as part of the Il Giardino dei Padri fatherhood network): Centro di Ascolto Uomini Maltrattanti, Cambiamento Maschile, Cerchio degli Uomini, Maschile Plurale, Rete Genitori Rainbow, White Dove – Evoluzione del Maschile Onlus

Rete Genitori Rainbow
Rete Genitori Rainbow is the Italian association that offers support to LGBT people who have had children from a previous heterosexual relationship. Offered services include a helpline and periodic meetings of self-help groups in several cities. The association is also very active in the promotion of cultural and social events for the dissemination of an inclusive culture for all types of families.

Works With (as part of the Il Giardino dei Padri fatherhood network): Centro di Ascolto Uomini Maltrattanti, Cambiamento Maschile, Cerchio degli Uomini, Maschile Plurale, PartecipArte Teatro Dell’OppressAo, White Dove – Evoluzione del Maschile Onlus

White Dove – Evoluzione del Maschile Onlus
The “White Dove – Evoluzione del Maschile Onlus” Association was established in 2013 as a follow-up to White Dove’s Education Project (Associazione White Dove Progetto Educazione), which had been working on fatherhood and masculinities since 1998. Its current projects include: “Lato Oscuro,” working with men who perpetrate violence; “Padri e Figli,” to support men as fathers in their relationships with their children; and “Cyberbullismo,” targeting cyberbullies and their victims. This project is implemented in schools in Genova, and also in the context of the Project Bull Out.

Works With (as part of the Il Giardino dei Padri fatherhood network): Centro di Ascolto Uomini Maltrattanti, Cambiamento Maschile, Cerchio degli Uomini, Maschile Plurale, PartecipArte Teatro Dell’OppressAo, Rete Genitori Rainbow

väter aktiv
Email | vaeter-aktiv.it

väter aktiv was founded 2013 in the bilingual northern part of Italy (South Tyrol). The organization is committed to creating vibrant father-child relationships and aims to close the gap between attitude and practice in order to promote men’s active involvement in childcare. väter aktiv works to make services and programs more family- and father-friendly, in conjunction with its organizational partners. It supports fathers during the stages of “becoming a dad,” “being a dad,” and “staying a dad,” through birth-preparation courses, papa start-up workshops, lectures, father-child activities, coaching, and peer-support groups. Furthermore, it offers other organizations and companies advice and training in order to attract and better involve fathers as a target group.

Deep Blue
Email | Website
Deep Blue is a medium-sized company founded in 2001, addressing the ultimate socio- technical challenges through research and consultancy, with a specific attention to Human Factors. Since January 2023 Deep Blue is involved in the EU project 4E-Parent, funded by the Justice Program of the European Commission, with the aim of promoting a renewed, concrete and empathic fatherhood. The four “Es” summarize the assumptions of the project: Early, for the participation of fathers from the beginning; Equal, to indicate an equal approach; Engaged, to attract active participation; Empathetic, to highlight the empathic, caring and responsive value. Among the interventions envisaged by the project there is an important training offer aimed at healthcare and educational personnel, an advocacy activity (in Italy but also at European level) to encourage the involvement of the father and the sharing of care by changing policies in the public sector and of corporate welfare. An important communication work on gender stereotypes will be also carried out to contribute to cultural change and to intervene in the positive deconstruction and redefinition of parenting in an equal key.



Jamaican Mommies T/A ParentGood JA
Email | www.jamaicanmommies.com
Jamaican Mommies is a local parenting network that has been in existence since 2009. It provides a place for mainly mothers – and some fathers – to interact around parenting challenges and rewards. To date, the network maintains an online presence via a website, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook (private page and group) and a physical presence via events such as the Jamaican Mommies Picnic, which encourages families to play together.

Works With: G.E.I.N Transformation Enterprise; Compass Consulting and Training Solutions LLC


Sub-Saharan Africa
Beyond Initiative for Social Concern (BISC)
BISC engages men as agents of change on cultural norms, in three urban informal settlements in Kenya. Our work focuses on various intervention where men champion our agenda, which addresses issues of teenage pregnancies, HIV, gender. We do this by supporting men to adopt orphaned children and become their mentors.

Margaret Wanzuu Foundation

Formed in 1997, Margaret Wanzuu Foundation is a non-partisan non-profit organization that seeks to address gender based violence, working at a grassroots level and concentrating on cultural and traditionally constructed and permitted violence that affect women and girls. The Baba Bora (“Better Fathers”) Project addresses patriarchal structures that propagate FGM and consequently early/child marriage in the counties Migori, Narok and Kajiado Counties, Kenya, to reduce early marriage, reduce FGM, reduce gender-based violence, and increase gender equality in the family.


Europe and Central Asia

Center for Counseling, Social Services and Research (SIT)
Email |www.sit-ks.org
Center for Counseling, Social Services and Research (SIT) is a non-governmental, nonprofit organization based in Prishtina, Kosovo. SIT was formed in order to provide identification and counseling services to individuals or groups in need of preventing violence, rehabilitation and reintegration of abusers, positive parenting, communication development between teachers, parents, and students, and individual/in-group professional counseling in the field of control and expression of emotions and mental health as well. SIT has worked for more than seven years in Kosovo promoting positive fatherhood, working with fathers to promote gender equality, prevent violence, and encourage healthy lifestyles.

Works With: Equimundo, Sonke Gender Justice, Embassy of Sweden in Kosovo, and various ministries in Kosovo

Peer Educators Network (PEN)
Email | www.ngo-pen.org
Peer Educators Network (PEN) is a non-governmental, nonprofit youth organization that aims to create a community where youth are mobilized and empowered to act as agents of social change for an inclusive society. PEN is active as an NGO in 29 municipalities in Kosovo, with headquarters in Prishtina, and has more than 1500 volunteers/peer educators. The purpose of PEN’s volunteers is to promote, through peer education, the access of youth to education and information, with a special focus on informing youth about: HIV and AIDS, STIs and unplanned pregnancy, life skills and health education, tobacco, drug abuse, human trafficking, violence, European integration and regional cooperation, cultural diversity, and environmental protection.

Works With: CARE International Balkans and MenCare partners in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia


Europe and Central Asia
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Email | www.unfpa.org
UNFPA works in more than 150 countries and territories that are home to the vast majority of the world’s people. Its mission is to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

Works With: NGO Open Line; Health Promotion Center under the Ministry of Health


Europe and Central Asia

Center Dardedze
Email | www.centrsdardedze.lv
Center Dardedze is a non-governmental, nonprofit organization working to prevent child abuse in Latvia and to provide direct help to children exposed to sexual, physical, emotional abuse and neglect. Since 2013, Center Dardedze also works with father involvement programs, organizes father groups, and promotes social campaigns.

Foundation Tēvi
Email | www.tevi.lv
Foundation Tēvi (“Foundation Fathers”) is a Latvian public benefit organization established in September 2015 with the main mission of promoting fathers’ positive image and role within families. The foundation emerged from “Father and Child,” a social initiative launched by the media agency Inspired. The “Father and Child” initiative also included the social campaign “It Is An Art To Be A Father,” which took place during the winter of 2014 in cooperation with Center Dardedze.

Works With: Center Dardedze; Center MARTA


Sub-Saharan Africa

Brighter Initiatives for Revitalization & Development (BIRD-Liberia)
Emailwww.birdliberia.org | Facebook

Brighter Initiatives for Revitalization & Development (BIRD-Liberia) was founded in 2014 for advocacy awareness raising and mediation of communities targeting the most marginalized areas that are abandoned in terms of development. Our mission is to reach out to the less-privileged, deprived, and marginalized communities and people with initiatives for their emancipation from dependency.

Works With: MenEngage Liberia


Sub-Saharan Africa

Email | alternatives-mada.com 

ALTERNATIVES is a youth organization operating in the social and economic reintegration of youth and marginalized populations. Each intervention of ALTERNATIVES integrates equity, respect for human rights and dignity. ALTERNATIVES plans to build a pool of young experts who actively contribute to sustainable development, and to the promotion of innovative, gender-sensitive and equity-conscious entrepreneurship, and to the protection of the planet.

C for C
Email | Website

C for C is a local NGO based in Madagascar. Created in 2007, C for C (Capacity-building For Communities) is the pioneer of working with men and boys for gender equity in Madagascar. Starting in 2016, C for C is leading a project around positive masculinity sensitisation in the community targeting fathers essentially. We are conducting a 5-day workshop with a group of men on topics including gender, violence, child care, and home economy.


Asia Pacific

Society for Equality, Respect And Trust for All Sabah (SERATA)
Email | www.kitaserata.wixsite.com/website
Society for Equality, Respect And Trust for All Sabah (SERATA) is a gender equality organization based in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. SERATA’s mission is to dismantle long-held socially constructed gender roles and promote gender equality by engaging men and boys in partnership with women and girls. We hope that through our work, we will be able to see equal representation and fair division of tasks at work and in the home to reflect true partnership and respect.



Cómplices por la Equidad
Email | www.entrehombres.net
Cómplices por la Equidad (Accomplices por Equity) is the Mexican MenEngage network formed in 2008, where men and women of different organizations and institutions develop activities, campaigns, and materials directed to engage men in gender equity issues.

Fatherhood México
Fatherhood México is the first nationwide nonprofit organization that promotes healthy fatherhood practices. The organization is committed to educating and raising awareness of the importance of equitable, engaged fathers in society in order to encourage positive involvement. Fatherhood México is working to shift social behaviors and norms in our country by giving conferences, workshops, and collaborating with several media publications in order to develop a movement in the country. The organization also develops alliances with communities and nonprofit organizations that are looking to promote engaged fathers and family well-being as a whole.


Europe and Central Asia
Terre des Hommes Moldova
Terre des Hommes (TDH) is the leading Swiss organization for children’s aid. Since 1960, TDH has helped build a better future for vulnerable children and their communities worldwide, making an impact with innovative and sustainable solutions. Active in Moldova since 2004, THD works to ensure that all children in Moldova benefit from a system that can guarantee their protection, development and participation in social, cultural and health processes that concern them, with a specific focus on the most vulnerable children.


Quartiers du Monde

Quartiers du Monde is a French international solidarity NGO with offices in France and Morocco and part of a network of North-South countries. Its mission is to foster participative governance in this network by strengthening the capacities of institutional actors and civil society in areas of gender, women’s and youth empowerment, and masculinities, and through interactive research and field work.

Works with: FLDF Morocco (Fédération des Ligues des Droits des Femmes); Enda Bolivia; Enda Colombia; GRAINES (Sénégal); ORFED (Mali); Archipelia


Sub-Saharan Africa

Lifeline/Childline (LL/CL)
LifeLine Southern Africa is a service organization responding to emotional trauma and individual crises, with a view to providing emotional support.

Works With: Namibia Planned Parenthood Association (NAPPA); Prevention Alliance Namibia; MenEngage Namibia


Asia Pacific

Child Nepal (CN)
Email | www.childnepal.org

Child Nepal (CN) is an NGO established in 2003 to initiative a child-friendly culture. CN works in four thematic areas: Child Rights Advocacy, Child Rights Promotion, Education, and Climate and Children. CN is working in 40 community schools of Nepal through parental education, including both fathers and mothers, on topics including early childhood development, health/hygiene/sanitation, playful learning, and positive parenting, serving 5000 parents every year with this program.

Email | www.nfcc.org.np

NFCC is a national NGO that has been working in the field of reproductive health across all districts of Nepal for the past 30 years. NFCC is an established leader in many aspects of reproductive health, including but not limited to: contraception; family planning; menstrual health, hygiene, and rights; cervical cancer; gender-based violence prevention; adolescent sexual and reproductive health; adolescent development and participation; and more. The organization’s work includes research, advocacy, capacity building, and direct ground-level implementation.


Europe and Central Asia
P=P Foundation
Email | www.trotsezonentrotsevaders.nl
P=P is a project-based organization that develops small-scale idealist projects and hires staff based on the project budgets. The organization has worked on feminist and gender issues from the start, hosting a Feminist Café for and by Women’s Studies’ students, developing and implementing a training method about masculinity and violence prevention for school boys (Toffe Jongens), organizing a dialogue about sexual diversity, and developing and implementing the TrotseZonenTrotseVaders method and handbook. Apart from these, the organization has facilitated the organization of meetings about privilege awareness, and it helped to co-create a mosaic monument for the Dutch utopian feminist Women’s Studies icon Saskia Poldervaart.

Works With: Cardea Youth Care

Cardea Youth Care
Email | www.cardea.nl
Cardea Youth Care is an organization that provides youth care in the northern part of South Holland. Annually, over 300 professionals offer help to 1,500 children and youth from 0 to 23 years old who are experiencing developmental, behavioral, or family problems. There are several types of care, ranging from outpatient care and day care to 24-hour care or a combination of these types of care. In addition to families, municipal services, child and adolescent psychiatric services, and special education services are all closely involved in Cardea’s programs. The types of care are performed at different locations within the region of Leiden. For youth 15 years and older, Cardea provides a range of guided independent living programs.

Works With: P=P Foundation

Email | www.rutgers.nl/vaderschapsverlof and www.vaderzoektverlof.nl

Rutgers is the Dutch center of expertise on sexual and reproductive health and rights. For many years, the organization has been working to improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights in the Netherlands, and in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Rutgers’ approach integrates advocacy, research, and the support of its partner organizations. Rutgers engages in advocacy and movement building with civil society and employers to gain wider support for the positive role that caring fathers can play in Dutch society.

Works With: WOMEN Inc, Bernard van Leer Foundation, and many others

Email | www.emancipator.nl

Emancipator is the Dutch organization for men and gender justice, focusing on violence prevention, caring masculinities, sexuality, and gender diversity. Emancipator gathers and shares information, connects professionals in relevant fields, and generally strives to develop shared perspectives on engaging boys and men in gender justice. The organization believes that feminism needs men for a better world and that men need feminism for a better life.

Take The Time
Email | www.takethetime.net

Take The Time is a social enterprise helping new dads take parental leave. It offers practical information to help plan and negotiate leave, inspirational stories from dads around the world, and tips for balancing work and family. Take The Time also provides a roadmap for companies looking to launch parental leave policies. Research shows that when men take parental leave, family health and well-being improves, gender equality improves at home and at work, and businesses benefit from a more engaged and productive workforce. Our mission is to create a world where men are willing and able to take the time.

Works with: Thriving Talent (Switzerland) and others



Red de Masculinidad por la Igualdad de Género (REDMAS)
Email | www.redmasnicaragua.org 
REDMAS is a coalition of 22 Nicaraguan organizations working together on gender and masculinity issues with boys and men of diverse social backgrounds.

Asociación Puntos de Encuentro
Email | puntosdeencuentro.org

Queremos que las personas participantes –como activistas y líderes– desarrollen su potencial y capacidades individuales y colectivas para transformar sus propias vidas, sus grupos, organizaciones y movimientos en los que participan, y los otros entornos en los que se desenvuelven. A partir de los procesos, las personas participantes construyen propuestas, planes, y agendas dirigidas a lograr los cambios y objetivos que se han planteado. El programa “Mi Escuela, un lugar seguro” utiliza el potencial de las escuelas para crear ambientes seguros, desarrollando capacidades de estudiantes, sus familias, educadores y personal administrativo. Trabajamos en colegios en El Salvador, Guatemala y Nicaragua.


Sub-Saharan Africa

Society for the Improvement of Rural People (SIRP)
Email | sirpnigeria.org.ng
Society for the Improvement of Rural People (SIRP) is a grassroots national NGO committed to (1) advocating for diverse policy measures in both state- and non-state-actor settings and workplaces, by campaigning to shift social norms and attitudes about fatherhood, parenting, and general caregiving practices and relationships in Nigeria; and (2) working with men and boys and organizations in Nigeria to campaign against gender-based violence (GBV), and in that way contribute to women’s empowerment and the promotion of gender equality.

Works With: The Girl Generation, Department for International Development (DFID)


Asia Pacific

AMAL Human Development Network
Email | www.amal-hdn.org.pk

Founded in 1997 as a gender- and youth-focused HIV and AIDS action group, today AMAL is one of the most visible advocates for its prevention, treatment, and awareness in Pakistan. For the past decade, AMAL’s focus has been “working with men and boys for gender equality” and exploring masculinity and its linkages with gender-based violence. AMAL held the national secretariat of MenEngage Alliance during 2011 to 2014.



Asociación Igualdad
Email | facebook.com/igualdad.org
Asociación Igualdad is a nongovernmental organization legally founded in 2006. Its mission is to promote gender equality by working from a masculinities and men’s-studies perspective. One of its goals is to promote responsible fatherhood, including through advancing men’s caregiving, promoting equal sharing of domestic duties, and preventing violence against children, teenagers, and women.



Red Peruana de Masculinidades
Email | www.rpmasc.blogspot.com
The Red Peruana de Masculinidades contributes to the development, research, and dissemination of information and programming related to masculinities, and it also advocates for a gender approach in public policies related to sexual and reproductive health and to violence.

ALIADOS / hombres por la igualdad de género
Email | www.aliadosperu.org
ALIADOS is a social startup with a taste for evidence-based innovation in the field of gender-based violence (GBV) prevention. ALIADOS runs a fatherhood program in Peru inspired by MenCare. As part of a wider strategy, ALIADOS works to bring the private sector into the discussion about preventing GBV, as well as producing and testing strategies to engage men in the prevention of workplace sexual harassment. It is also developing a Batterers’ Intervention Programs called “I RESPECT” which will be delivered at the local level in Lima.

Works With: Aldeas Infantiles SOS Perú, Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables, Ministerio de Educación, Equimundo

Fundación Contra el Hambre Perú (FH Peru)

Email | fh.org.pe

FH Peru has 40 years of experience working for the development of Peru. It is currently present in 3 regions (Lima, Huancavelica, Ayacucho) where it develops humanitarian assistance projects and social transformation seeking to respond to immediate needs and generate comprehensive changes for the benefit of the population. The thematic of their interventions consider food security, prevention of gender violence, health, education, adolescents-youth, leadership oriented to disaster risk reduction and the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic.


Europe and Central Asia

Share the Care Foundation
www.sharethecare.pl | Facebook | LinkedIn

Share the Care Foundation’s mission is to prepare Polish society for changes in the area of ​​sharing childcare leave between a woman and a man. In April 2019, the EU adopted the work-life balance directive, in which each EU country must implement non-transferable, 2-month parental leave for men. Currently, Polish law regulations allow men to share parental leave, but due to the fact that the paternity leave can be transferred to the mother, only 1% of Polish dads decide to take it. Share the Care Foundation aims at 50/50 shared caregiving, as it is a great benefit for all stakeholders: children, women, men, but also the state and economy.


Europe and Central Asia

Email | equimundo.org
Equimundo works internationally to promote gender justice and prevent violence by engaging men and boys in partnership with women and girls. Equimundo is a global co-coordinator of the MenCare campaign and a national coordinator of the MenCare campaign in Portugal.

Works With: Centro de Estudos Sociais; Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra; APAV, Graal, Saúde em Português

Puerto Rico


Email | www.caderamenpr.org
Caderamen (founded in 2016) is a non-profit organization aimed toward reducing inequalities in reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health during processes like pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, and parenting, among others. It has developed two service programs: SePARE and [acceso].

Works With: MenEngage Latin America 

The SePARE program was born from a collaborative effort between doulas, lactation consultants, social work professionals, health workers, psychologists, and humanized childbirth activists. It began its offerings in October 2013 through financing from the Administration for the Socio-economic Development of the Family and the municipality of Vega Baja. SePARE has provided services during its first four years to over 800 families, facilitating their empowerment and fostering autonomy during pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, and parenting. During the year 2017-2018, its services were interrupted as an indirect result of the passage of hurricanes Irma and María. Currently, Caderamen is a sponsor of the program and is committed to re-establishing services aimed at the mother and child population. SePARE offers support services, education, and coordinated care to families during the prenatal and postpartum process, as well as other sexual and reproductive health processes. It is an innovative, comprehensive, and validated program focused on humanized care.

Works With: PROFAMILIA Inc., Coordinadora Paz para la Mujer, Early Head Start, Department of Family Affairs, Department of Health


Europe and Central Asia

Doctors to Children (DTC)
Doctors to Children (DTC) is an interregional non-governmental organization for the support of family, motherhood, and childhood. DTC was founded in 2001 for the purpose to promote the physical, psychological, and social wellbeing of children and families, as well as to provide social assistance, rehabilitation, and adaptation for children, youth, and families who have found themselves in crisis situations and are in need of social and legal protection. DTC’s key strategic priorities include: (1) provision of comprehensive social, medical, and psychological services to victims of child abuse and women exposed to domestic violence; (2) implementation of activities to ensure increased involvement of fathers in childcare and development to prevent family disadvantages; (3) implementation of prevention activities to ensure zero new cases of HIV among women, children, and adolescents; (4) promotion of family-based care for children who have lost parental support through reunification of birth families, training of potential foster parents, and psychosocial assistance to newly-formed foster families; (5) dissemination of effective social work technologies through government and NGO social service providers in different regions of Russia. Since 2016, DTC has been implementing the Papa-School program – a cycle of eight group sessions for fathers – aimed to increase their competence and confidence in parenting and care for children, develop and promote the culture of “involved fatherhood,” prevent domestic violence, and advance equality between men and women in the context of family relationships.

The Men’s Book
The Men’s Book is a public platform that provides information and resources for organizations in Russia and post-Soviet countries on the practices of social work with men, with an emphasis on engaging men as caregivers and as nonviolent fathers.

Works With: Mothers/Fathers Magazine (Mamin/Papin in Russian), NGO “Blue Bird”, The Russian Union of Social Pedagogues and Social Workers, Radomira Center, NGO support initiatives “New Look”


Sub-Saharan Africa

Rwanda Men’s Resource Center (RWAMREC)
Email | www.rwamrec.org
The Rwanda Men’s Resource Center strives to reach out to men in order to promote gender equality through promotion of positive masculinities and male engagement approaches in development programs in Rwanda. RWAMREC is currently implementing the Prevention+ program in Rwanda, building on its earlier MenCare+ work, to engage men as caregiving partners in sexual and reproductive health and rights, and in maternal and child health, in collaboration with Equimundo.

Works With: Profemme


Sub-Saharan Africa

Batonga Foundation

Email | www.batongafoundation.org

The Batonga Foundation is a non-profit organization which works to equip adolescent girls and young women in Benin & Senegal with knowledge and skills they need to be agents of change in their communities and in their own lives with engaging Men and Boys as allies and support.


Europe and Central Asia
Center E8
Email | www.e8.org.rs
Center E8 is a youth organization focused on work with young people across Serbia. Established in 2004 (with its central office in Belgrade and regional office in Vranje), Center E8 has long-term experience in work specifically with men on the themes of violence prevention, gender equality promotion, healthy lifestyles, and youth activism. Center E8’s team is made up of young advocacy and lobbying experts in youth policy, education, and campaigning for publicly relevant issues. For the past seven years, Center E8 has been implementing the Young Men Initiative (YMI) program in Serbia, as a part of coalition of local, regional, and international organizations that have been combating violence and promoting positive masculine identities.

Works With: CARE International Balkans, Smart Collective (Belgrade), Perpetuum Mobile (Banja Luka), PEN (Prishtina), Counseling Line for Women and Girls and Counseling Line for Men and Boys (Tirana)


Sub-Saharan Africa

Alikar Center for Peace, Human Rights & Democracy (APHAD)
Email | www.aphad.org
APHAD is a nongovernmental, non-political, nonprofit organization with a focus on human rights, peace, and democracy. Its activities include: creating and supporting peace, documenting and publicizing issues of human rights, and promoting democracy and social justice.

Works With: Nayruus Foundation

South Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa

Father Fit for Generations

Through Research and Emperical Data, FF4G: 1) Address fatherlessness in relation to absence and or non involvement. 2) Change the narrative on Fatherhood by publicizing positive stories on fatherhood and encourage meaningful father/child relations through community mobilization and education. 3) Healing of wounds and reconciliation by providing professional therapy to fathers, children and loved ones affected by Fatherlessness. 4) Mobilize for the development of policy supporting Fatherhood. 5) Address Gender Based Violence by raising Awareness on the dangers of toxic masculinity, patriarchy and provide education and training on alternative forms of masculinities. 6) Restoration of families (link to Fatherhood) as one of the foundations of socio-economic stability and sustainability.

Sonke Gender Justice
Email | www.genderjustice.org.za
Sonke promotes the involvement of men in parenting as fathers and as caregivers. Sonke is a global co-coordinator of the MenCare campaign and a national coordinator of the MenCare campaign in South Africa.

Email | www.mosaic.org.za
Mosaic is a non-profit organization that enables abused youth and adults to heal and empower themselves in dealing with domestic violence and abuse.

Works With: FAMSA; Rape Crisis Centre; Department of Justice; Department Social Development; Childline; SAFFI; Network on Violence Against Women; City of Cape Town Department of Correctional Services

Black Male Positivity Project
Email | Website
Our objective is to inspire, celebrate and empower black males. There is great power in black male positivity.

Daddy Awards

Email | Website

The Daddy Awards South Africa is a celebration of fatherhood and an initiative that aims to support fathers through a recognition system. Our movement, #WESEEYOU, is for all the single, married and non-biological dads that step up and play the fatherly role. The movement aims to break the cycle that broken children are benefactors of broken, absent fathers.

Centre for Analytics and Behaviour Change / heCareZA

Email | Website

Social media brings social biases to light and opens opportunities for them to be evaluated and addressed at scale. Addressing prejudice on social media is critical because research suggests that online hate contributes to offline violence.
The CABC’s heCareZA is an innovative programme which uses social media analytics tools to understand the narrative that drives gender discrimination and gender-based violence, and to foster self-reflection and healing in collaboration with thousands of male digital activists through dialogue and social mobilisation. An integral part of the programme is fatherhood and disrupting the intergenerational cycle of violence. The programme is currently implemented in South Africa and it will be rolled out across the globe.

Centre for Community Impact (CCI)

Email | www.ccisa.org.za

CCI, formerly known as Johns Hopkins Health and Education in South Africa (JHHESA), is a South African local NPO. The organization aims to be a centre of excellence in strategic health communication, social justice and community development programs that are centred around meaningful and sustainable community engagement.  In 2009, CCI and other national partners established the Brothers for Life (BFL) campaign, a national mass media and community mobilization campaign targeted at men and boys with a focus on prevention of HIV and GBV, and promotion of gender equality. CCI has established BFL clubs across six project implementation sites where young men receive trainings on evidence-based social change curriculums. CCI will utilise the MenCare training resources to engage men on issues of gender equality and fatherhood, and will design a communication campaign to reach more men and boys with impactful messages on responsible fatherhood, caregiving and gender equality.

Sesame Workshop
Email | Website
Sesame Workshop is a male caregiver initiative in South Africa working on addressing gender equity through play with male caregivers. Through programmatic work and mass media campaigns, the Muppets of Takalani Sesame teach children and their caregivers about learning through play, how to regulate emotions, building identity, and being part of a community.


Europe and Central Asia

Conexus Association
Email | www.conexus.cat
Conexus is a nonprofit association that aims to improve the wellbeing and health of people, especially those in situations of inequality or social exclusion, promoting social and personal transformation. Through intervention projects, training, and research, Conexus creates change across different areas such as gender-based violence, domestic and other types of violence, gender equality, health, substance abuse, children’s and teenagers’ human rights, and family relationships.

Sri Lanka

Asia Pacific

World Vision Sri Lanka
Email | www.wvi.org/srilanka
World Vision Sri Lanka is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organisation that serves nearly 1,500 villages in more than 500 small administrative divisions in the 20 districts, impacting the lives of over 240,000 children and their families in Sri Lanka.

Works With: Ministry of Education; World Vision International


Europe and Central Asia


Email | www.mfj.se
MÄN is a Swedish member-based NGO, founded in 1993, working towards gender equality and ending gender based violence. Its main strategy is to involve men to challenge destructive masculinities, with the purpose of ending men’s violence against women and children.


Europe and Central Asia

Email | www.masculinities.ch and www.maenner.ch
masculinities.ch is the umbrella association for Swiss professional and voluntary organizations working on gender equality issues related to boys, men and fathers. masculinities.ch was founded in 2005 and incorporates more than 20 regional and professional organisations. Its work is based on the concept of triple advocacy. Its mission is to engage boys and men in gender equality and to enhance fathers contributions in child caregiving.

Works With: Swiss Institute of Masculinities and Gender Issues (SIMG)


Sub-Saharan Africa

Awakening Horn for Inclusive Rural Development
Email | Website
AHIRD Organization was founded by five poor, rural young women social workers, activists of women and children’s Human rights together with two poor, rural young men who are prominent gender equality advocates in Mwanza region; all having wide-ranging academic backgrounds to help in the fight to achieve AHIRD Organization’s mission.


Sub-Saharan Africa

AFAD (Alliance Fraternelle Aide pour le Développement)
Email | afad-togo.org
Fraternal Alliance Aid for Development (AFAD) is a national non-profit created in Togo in 1995 to improve, promote, and protect the health and well-being of individuals and their communities. AFAD considers health as the fundamental basis for sustainable development. AFAD’s headquarters are located in Kpélé Elémé, prefecture of KPELE, district of Plateaux. AFAD also coordinates MenEngage Togo and has an office in Lomé (the capital city of Togo) for theMenEngage Togo secretariat.

Works With: GF2D, Croix-Rouge Togolaise (Red Cross Togo), GRADH, GRASE-Population, AV-Jeunes.


Europe and Central Asia

Email | www.acev.org
AÇEV’s education programs support disadvantaged children and their families, strengthening the “early childhood” period to build a more advanced society and create equal opportunities in education.

Works With: Ministry of National Education; Ministry of Family and Social Policies; UN Women


Sub-Saharan Africa

Equality Heals Africa
Equality Heals Africa (EHA) was founded by a group of concerned libertarians, interventionists, and human rights activists with the prime objective of responding to various marginalized groups in Uganda that suffer from discrimination and exclusion. EHA envisions a country and continent where all people are equally empowered and living free from discrimination, invisibility, violence, and isolation. The organization does this by producing enlightening documentary films; building vocational institutions; and training in income-generating activities, advocacy, legal aid, security and safety awareness, art, music, and dance to create a society that can be proud of its progress through humanity, tolerance, and acceptance.

Works With: Second Thought Uganda; Women And Children’s Empowerment Network in Africa; Rehabilitation for Hope-Uganda; Thumbs Up-Uganda; Bridge Builders-Uganda

Men’s Forum Against Domestic Violence Uganda
Men’s Forum Against Domestic Violence Uganda’s mission is to promote interactive communication for family stability and sustainable development of society by engaging men and boys as entry points.

Reach a Hand Uganda
Email | reachahand.org | sautiplus.org
Reach A Hand Uganda (RAHU) is an indigenous Youth Centered, not-for-profit organisation which was founded in Uganda in 2011. RAHU’s vision is A world of Young people making informed choices. Our tailored SBCC and advocacy interventions address the underlying health factors to poor to health outcomes for young people 10 – 30 years. RAHU’s strength further lies in its capacity to mobilize youth and its elaborate network of volunteers and partners working through targeted social behavior change,advocacy and communication approaches, we work towards addressing social problems including; HIV/AIDs, Sexually Transmittable Infections (STIs), child marriages, mental health issues, menstrual health and hygiene, access to family planning, gender based violence, access to livelihood and teenage pregnancy.

Preterm Infants Parents Network Uganda
Website | Email
The network is  passionate about providing understanding, support, information, encouragement and follow up of preterm infants, parents and adult preemies. Currently 80% of mothers that have given birth to very sick babies and preterms are abandoned by the father in the hospitals, and 70% of the fathers stop getting involved in the child care immediately after birth. The network educates fathers on the importance’s of father involvement and partners with hospitals and launched programs that encourage the fathers to get involved.


Europe and Central Asia

All Ukrainian Network of Papa Schools
Papa-schools are free, non-formal educational centers where men with positive parenthood experience and appropriate training help other men to become aware, caring, competent, and responsible fathers.

United Kingdom

Europe and Central Asia

WOMBA Limited
Email | www.wombagroup.com
WOMBA is a training and coaching consultancy that works with organizations to improve engagement with new parents during their transitions out of, and back into work, after parental leave. WOMBA believes that becoming a parent is a unique and under-utilized development experience, which is life- and career-enhancing.

Centre for Innovation in Fatherhood and Family Research
Email | Website
The Centre for Innovation in Fatherhood and Family Research (CFFR) is a research and enterprise centre that brings together academics, multi-agency practitioners and those with lived experience of fatherhood, to address and understand the pressing social issues that directly impact on the lives of families. The Centre advocates for father-inclusion for all fathers and the wider societal benefits of promoting engaged fatherhood as a route to improving family well-being.

United States


Email | www.equimundo.org
Equimundo works internationally to promote gender justice and prevent violence by engaging men and boys in partnership with women and girls. Equimundo is a global co-coordinator of the MenCare campaign.

MERGE for Equality
Email | www.mergeforequality.org
MERGE for Equality, Inc. works to advance the beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors that allow men and boys to be their authentic selves and embrace their role in ensuring gender equality. MERGE does this with individuals, groups, and communities across the globe, in alliance with girls, women, and all marginalized people. The three pillars on which its work is based are: compassion, accountability, and partnership. Its core services are: training and consulting, annual summit, and advocacy.

Fathers’ Uplift, Inc.
Email | www.fathersuplift.org
Fathers’ Uplift works to assist fathers in overcoming barriers (financial barriers, addiction barriers, oppressive barriers, emotional barriers, and traumatic barriers) that prevent them from remaining engaged in their children’s lives. Fathers’ Uplift is currently implementing an innovative approach to assisting fathers called “Pre-Father Care: Pre-Natal Care for Fathers.” Pre-Father Care brings forth a new road map for men to reference during the transition into fatherhood.

Urban Colors Arts and Mentoring
Email | www.urbancolors.org
Urban Colors Arts and Mentoring is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 (S) corporation that prepares fathers and families to meet life’s challenges through mentoring and planning while building on existing strengths, developing new beliefs leading to risk reduction and positive outcomes.

Works With: Office of Children’s Affairs and My Brother’s Keeper initiative (Colorado); Fathers and Families Coalition of America (Los Angeles, CA); National African American Drug Policy Coalition (Washington, DC)

Deeds Driven Dads Inc.
Email | www.deedsdrivendad.com
Deeds Driven Dads Inc. is a responsible fatherhood training and advocacy program in the United States and the Caribbean, engaging fathers, father figures, and future fathers. The organization provides direction in the development, implementation, coordination, and promotion of comprehensive trainings, events, family engagement outings, and advocacy programs. In addition, Deeds Driven Dads coordinates the acclaimed “Future Fathers Club” young male mentorship training serving boys between the ages of 13-21, while sponsoring the award winning television broadcast “Dare 2 Dream: A Father’s Guide to Success.” Deeds Driven Dads is the parent organization of the Caribbean Fatherhood Coalition.

Works With: City of New York Department of Youth & Community Development; Jamaican Consulate Generals Office; New York City Responsible Fatherhood Coalition; Antigua & Barbuda Consulate; Haitian Fatherhood Coalition Cap-Haitian; Caribbean Fatherhood Network; Unicef; and more

Women Deliver
Email | www.womendeliver.org
Women Deliver is a leading global advocate that champions gender equality and the health and rights of girls and women. Our advocacy drives investment – political and financial – in the lives of girls and women worldwide. We harness evidence and unite diverse voices to spark commitment to gender equality. And we get results. Anchored in sexual and reproductive health, we advocate for the rights of girls and women across every aspect of their lives. We know that investing in girls and women will deliver progress for all. Our office hosts 60 staff located in New York. Women Deliver has partnered and collaborated with ProMundo, and we supported and helped socialize the 2019 State of the World’s Fathers Report through the Women Deliver 2019 Conference in Vancouver, Canada. Women Deliver is among the founding members of the new Paternity Leave Corporate Task Force– a member-led and owned alliance that aims to identify, promote, accelerate and bring to scale commercially and societally sustainable solutions that will result in improved access and uptake of paternity leave for all men, spearheaded by Unilever’s Dove Men+Care and Equimundo. Women Deliver is also a part of the MenCare 50/50 Commitment stemming from the 2019 State of the World’s Fathers Report, aimed at facilitating an enabling environment where men take on 50 percent of the unpaid care work by 2030.

Email | https://www.journeymenfoundation.com/
JourneyMen inspires committed, well-balanced men to successfully journey through life with responsibility, meaning and intention. Through membership groups and coaching programs guided by facilitation experts, JourneyMen helps men create and sustain authentic relationships with one another and live a more meaningful life, becoming engaged participants in their family, community and work lives. Our signature program is The Mug Club @ Journey’s Inn, an ongoing group coaching program designed to support men in navigating the fatherhood journey and writing their own stories of masculinity. Men become powerfully present, intentional and directed as partners, parents and men.



Centro de Estudios sobre Masculinidades y Género
Email | www.masculinidadesygenero.org
The Center for the Study of Masculinities and Gender is a private non-profit, based in Montevideo, Uruguay, staffed by a team of health professionals committed to gender equity and specializing in men and masculinities studies.

Works With: Antel Uruguay; Secretaría de la Mujer de la Intendencia de Montevideo


Asia Pacific

Center for Studies and Applied Sciences in Gender, Family, Women and Adolescents (CSAGA)
Email | www.csaga.org.vn
CSAGA is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization dedicated to the implementation of the rights of women and children who are affected by violence and discrimination.

Works With: UN Women; SIDA; USAID; UNIAP; UNFPA; Oxfam; IOM; Save the Children; Actionaid; Plan; Global Fund for Women; Bread for the World


Sub-Saharan Africa

Zambia Centre for Communication Programmes (ZCCP) – Kwatu

Email | Website

The Coaching Boys into Men (CBIM) program is a social norms theory-based program intended to alter norms that foster gender equality and prevent GBV perpetration, promote bystander intervention, and reduce perpetration by engaging athletic coaches as positive role models to deliver violence prevention tools to boys. For young men ages 15-30, we rely upon the Coaching Leadership Equity and Respect (CLEAR) curriculum, a companion to CBIM, to equip young men with positive mental health and build respectful, non-violent family relationships. With adult men, the organization provides  financial and technical support to the Zambia MenEngage network to roll out the evidence-based MenCare approach, which aims to transform negative social norms that perpetuate GBV, IPV and HIV as well as educate men about healthy, equitable, non-violent parenting practices.


Sub-Saharan Africa
Zimbabwe Positive Parenting Network and Research Trust (ZiPPNaRT)

Zimbabwe Positive Parenting Network and Research Trust (ZiPPNaRT) works with men, women, and children on child parenting with the aim of reducing child maltreatment through equipping parents and caregivers with positive parenting skills.


Divine Foundation Trust


Founded early 2017 in Zimbabwe, the Divine Foundation Trust is a youth friendly organisation which focuses on improving the livelihoods and develop skills for girls, boys and under privileged children in the community. We are engaging men on positive parenting and on making reusable sanitary pads.